Previous Headlines !
07/26/2001 7:29 PM SPECIAL REPORT: breaking news : It is rumored that Common Stock may be performing Monday, August 6, 2001 at Chelsea's in the University Shopping Center north of Louisiana State University on Highland Rd. at State Street. When contacted, Chelsea's informed Stockhome that they have an open mic night that evening, but could not say which artist would be showing up. The band was unavailable for comment today. |
07/25/2001 5:34 PM Small news correction: Just to clear up a few reporting inaccuracies, the preliminary release of Four Legged Stool received airplay form Cal-Santa Barbara. The news article has been corrected, and thanks to all the Common Stock fans out there who pointed it out. |
07/18/2001 7:29 PM To all Stock Brokers across the land: Common Stock is finally emerging from their island hide away to present a preview of their latest compilation, Four Legged Stool. As you may know, the band recently received air time for the EP release in California, so be sure to catch them live August 2,2001 at the Corporate Blvd Starbucks in Baton Rouge at 6:30 pm. It is not very often that bands hold a cd preview in such an accessible, free location, so remember to catch this low-key performance before they blow up on the mainstream. |
07/18/2001 7:28 PM Four Legged Stool Update: If you are a resident of California you may have heard the preliminary EP release to Common Stock's new album on the Cal-Santa Barbara radio station. The entire four track cd was played consecutively around 2:30 am. Sorry to all the fanatics out there, it took us by surprise also. Any future listening opportunities will be announced here, so stay tuned, and special thanks to Cal Santa Barbara. |
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