Prisoner 181
Been out three weeks since the last cattle ride
Sittin' round the fire wishing Tes was by my side
When the bossman says boys, why don't yall get on back home
So we stopped in at ole JT saloon
Ain't had a drink since the last full moon
When turned and seen some dude with my damn boots on.
So I asked a stranger where did you get those skins
Said some girl Tes flat out gave 'em to him
He laughed and said you know how them lonely girls get
That's when I skinned my piece and said whoa now son
You better stop talking or your drunk ass is done
My girls solid gold she's the best woman I've ever met
Turns out ole Tes was just lowdown and rotten
I didn't hide the bodies even after I shot 'em
And now I run cap as prisoner 181
Mike: vocals, guitar Stephen: mandolin John: slide guitar
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